Email Marketing Using Empower Network Swipes To Engage Your Prospects






Empower Network Swipe Copy For Your Business

The reason you use GetResponse, or AWeber email auto-responders is that it allows you to meet your prospect when they have time using Empower Network email marketing swipes.  It will work for you 365 days a year, 24 hours a day helping your prospects learn to know, like and trust you enough to eventually buy from you.   I learned this buy listening to successful email marketers.  Success always leaves clues.

Today, the day after  I listened to David Wood getting unstuck video, in The 15K Formula( a bonus product you get when you get all the Empower Network products) I had a major breakthrough in my business.

You may be able to relate to what happened to me.  I had been trying too hard to produce content that was going to drive traffic to my offers using content marketing.  I had no leads to start with, as I started with zero leads.

I have well over 3,000 contacts from my vendors, clients and prospects database and rolodex(yes I have one still in my archives) from my marketing agency business, but I can not use them yet, as I have to need to invite each one of them individually to opt-in to my email list if they want to remain on my email list due to the Canned Spam Act.    You can no longer just send email to people unless they want them.

That is OK no one likes spam.  Today I got an email response back from the main office at Empower Network.  They reminded me of something I can do for free.  Dave and the corporate team give you email swipe copy but I never really looked at it closely before until today!  Wow! Wow! and Wow!  It is professionally written copy.  You do not have to write it unless you want to and are experienced getti9ng good results from your writing.

The email swipes sometimes come encoded with an affiliate link, so anything that is clicked by the people you send it to will be credited to you!

******** It is always your responsibility to test your links in your ads, social media posts and blog posts.  Please include the proper income disclosures and remind them you are an independent affiliate of Empower Network or whatever company you are currently promoting.   These marketing strategies and tactics will work for you no matter what business you are currently promoting.***********


Why Should You Use Empower Network Swipe Copy?


You may not have any idea how to write email, sales copy.  That is OK.  Success of $150,000,000 in sales leaves clues of what a hypnotic, neuro-linguistically enhanced, sales copy email looks like.

Your results will vary. To see average earnings click this link  and you can find a link to join our opportunity too.  I am an independent distributor of Empower Network.

Idependent Empower Network affiliate

You may be looking at it right now, or are You?  All kidding aside, the people at Empower Network are geniuses at writing email copy that persuades your prospects to pull out their credit card and buy from you, or least give you a call like you can call me on my Google Voice line at Ph: 219-902-3563.  But I ask that you text me first, so I actually pick up the phone.  I only do that for people that have their credit card in hand and are ready to buy our system, like you might be doing right now.  I may be busy helping two customers when you call but, I always return calls or texts the same day.  This is how you can build a business while having a life.  One to two hours a day helping customers that already bought from you.

How Do I Use Empower Network’s Email Swipe Copy For My Business?


You can take these Empower Network email swipes, load them into an or  auto-responder,  in the follow-up sequence email section of your auto-responder, and your prospects will be drip marketed to when you want.  You can set the days in between each email, and once you set it, it works for you while you operate your business, or go on vacation.

You can set months worth of great content to drip market to your list.  Change your opportunity out for the one they talk about in the email swipes, and you instantly are set up with an email that will convert your prospects into sales at about 1-2% success rate.  Your results will vary as your email copy has several parts that will give you results that will be your own.

1) The Headline must have one to two benefits in it so your prospect wants to open your email.  It must be a catchy phrase that stops them in their tracks, stops them from scrolling and persuades them to open your email.  80%-90% of the email titles you use will fail.  But the 10%-20% email titles that do work, will more than likely always work, so once you find them keep them and place them in your follow-up sequence.  Chances are your prospects will be on many email lists just as you are, so you always want to stay in their mind instead of in the competition.

2) The Body Copy this is where the rubber meets the road.  Good copy is written with an understanding of the demographics and psychographics of the people it is being written to.  Have you ever been sent an email and you just had to open it and when you read it, you just had to click on the links in it to see what they had?  Me too.  Those are the kind of emails you save because if they worked on you, they will work on your prospects too.  If fact, they will work on prospects you really want to work with as they will be like you the most.

3) The Call To Action this is the most important section of an Empower Network swipe email.  It will tell your prospects what they should do next.  You always want to tell your prospects what you want them to do next in patterns of three.  Example:

a. Pull out your credit card

b. click this link

c. hit the by now button.

There was a study done of a military unit that dealt with commanding language patterns.  They found that people would do what You wanted them to do if the command was delivered in a pattern of three.  This is why calls-to-action should be done in a pattern of three.  It works better and people(1-2% in direct sales) will actually do what you want them to do if they are already predisposed to wanting what you have to help them buy already.


Sometimes you may need to bridge(bridge marketing) from where the email copy leaves them to what you are offering. With practice you will get good at this.  It is best to think backwards from when they pulled out their credit card and bought from you to where the email leaves off.  Many times this is not necessary as the email swipe copy is written to persuade them to pull out their credit card and buy from You.  You will test each email for results that you will measure.  Your auto-responders and link software will help you track open rates, CTR(click-through-rates) and your blog comes with a link tracking software that tells you what link they clicked.  You will be testing, measuring, tweaking, and when you get the results you want, you will scale it up and monetize and convert your prospects into paying customers.


Two Ways To Use Empower Network Email Swipe Copy


1) You could just re-write the entire email, and put in your capture or sales page links in it.  2) But never just copy and paste anyone’s sales copy into your email, because one, it is not professional and two, people do not like it when you steal from them.  Use the first way always.

But most importantly

3) You risk having “cookies”(sticky computer code) from their email, as an email is a page of computer code, being placed on your prospects computer, when they open it, and then when they click on the link, to buy from You, they end up buying from them, instead of You, if you choose the second method.  Don’t take that chance.  Us e Empower Network swipes from many different affiliates and leaders, whose list you get on to get a general idea of what you are going to say in your email. It is easy to make this mistake when you get started online.  Always use the test an email feature in your auto-responder system and send yourself an email with all windows closed except the window you are looking at.  Take the extra precaution of clearing your browser history or opening up the email in an incognito window so “cookies” will not effect it.


You may also decide you only like the concept of the Empower Network email swipe copy only, and you can use it as a template to write your own(only if you already know how to get emails that convert at 1-2% sales results)  Make it your own.

Make Email Swipes Your Own

Personalize your email swipes with an introduction from you.  Use their first name.  I find that using a person’s first name gets a better responses from them even in business.  It is like you are talking to a friend.  When you can help your customers get great results they will more than likely become your friend.  You will know your audience and how casual or professional you want to write to them.

I would suggest tracking everything. Add a picture with a link to your offer or your blog attached to it.   Teach your prospects the “what” of what you do for them.  Hopefully the Empower Network email swipe copy will make their forehead sweat, and their pulse begin to race, and they will just pull out their credit card and buy right now from you.  Buying is always started from an emotional trigger that your copy will elicit from them.  Next, they will look at the logistics( can they afford what you sell and will it work for them to get them results) and then they click the link, pull out their credit card and buy from You. Or at the very least, they call you and ask you if this will work for them.  Your response is always,  “Yes it does, as it has worked for so many independent distributors( give some examples of leaders and their results with an income disclosure) for Empower Network, it will work for You too when you learn to do it the right way.”


Here is our income disclosure:

Your results will vary. To see average earnings click on this link and if you like what you see you can join the opportunity there too (You can make your own out of your affiliate income disclosure once you make a decision to buy from us.


When you write your emails use what works to:

1) Increase your open rate – You want an open rate of at least 5% to consider it one of the 10%-20% that succeeds

2) Get a better click-through-rate – You want a click-through rate of at least .1% to consider your copy to be persuasive.

3) Produce Calls-To-Action that return to your business a sales conversion rate of 1-2%.

In Conclusion

Use Empower Network’s email swipe copy when you do not feel comfortable writing emails yourself.  Don’t directly copy their swipes but you can re-type or use concepts from them and make the copy your own style.  Always make sure your links go to your sales page and not the leader you got the swipe copy from.  Test, measure and tweak your results until you get the results you want.

If you ‘d like to learn more about email marketing our community uses it every day.  Our products teach business owners how to use email marketing to get sometimes 70% open rates and at least two sales a day.  It happens when you learn how to build up your business until it reaches this point.  Then you can let your business pretty much run on auto-pilot.  You can go to sleep and wake up to sales.  You can go on vacation and make sales.  You can be doing anything else but your business and still making sales because you decide to empower yourself and your business using Empower Network.  If you like this idea of being a top producer in your company, pull out your credit card and set it on the table because you will need it, click this link, fill out the form and hit the buy now button.  See you on the inside!




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