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Revealed: Secret Guide to Fast Success With Keyword Planner and Backlinking

This is how You help people find your content online

This is how you rank your articles and other content on the first, second and third pages of Google and other search engines where people are looking for them.
  1. Google Keyword Planner

    Use this tool to plan what you are going to write about. You want to write about topics that people are searching for. People around  the World use search engines to search for solutions to their problems in business or in life:


    Google Keyword Planner


    Put the keyword you want to research in the first box


    These “problems” or situations tend to fall into one of three categories.  In this case people that type in Keyword Planner might type into the search engine box the phrase “keyword planner”( without the quotes)  Or they might type in according to Google the following phrases pictured below:


    keyword planner in the search engine box

    These are the alternative phrases Google recommends.  take a look at them and your competition when choosing which keyword or keyword phrase to write about.


    Always look at the alternative search phrases for your keyword


    Market research the Pain, Fear or Gain people are searching for using Keyword Planner


    Choose Low Competition Keywords



    Choose the low competition keywords that describe the pain, fear or gain that your potential customer is in.  People only buy from you when they have one of these three things happening to them.  Otherwise they do not need you.


    1) pain they need to alleviate or get rid of.

    2) I fear they will be in pain in the future

    3) or “a gain”, they can not obtain or realize on their own.


    I learned of these three factors from my mentors.

    They allow me to share them with you as long as I “backlink” them, which means it is a digital way I can give them credit for the content I learned from them.


    Here are the steps:


    1) Write their name Dan Kreutzer and Robert Lambert of The Samurai Business Group.

    2) I then highlight that phrase “Dan Kreutzer and Robert Lambert of The Samurai Business Group

    3) Then I hit the link icon in my Kalatu’Blogging platform and copy and paste the URL of their web page that gets 1.2 millions searches per month. giving them credit for teaching me these facts.


    Step #1 Highlight The Words in Your Post that you are going to backlink

    Backlinking to High Authority Sites

     Step #2 Click The Link Button and paste in the high Authority Site you are backlinking to


    Backlinking 3 Steps



    Now back to Google Keyword Planner discussion.


    This whole post is an excerpt from a great blogger, Bruce Bryant Felton.  You can find him on facebook here.  Tell him Tom Lincoln sent you.  Ask him about his three-hour, blogging mastermind link.  


     Remember, when you start using Keyword planner to do your market research start here:


    Click Here to Learn More About Google Keyword Planner

  2. Bonus topic for reading this far – Back Linking what to avoid when you guest blog post.


    Your site will gain more favor in the eyes of Google and other search engines if you learn to include backlinks in your blog posts. A backlink

    is a link you put into your content that should go to another site. If you are working smart you will link it to a site that has more “link authority” than your site does. When you do this on your blog post one of two things happens or can happen 


    1) Google looks at and gives this post more “authority” so it ranks higher in the search results.

    2) The author of the site you are linking to will see it and you may form a new networking relationship with that person or at the very least they will link back to you in the future. But, if your content is good they may invite you to guest blog post.

    Important point I learned the hard way:

    Do not guest blog post using your affiliate link anywhere in the post on the same blogging system as the person that invited you to guest blog post. Example being that Kalatu’ and the Empower Network blog protect your affiliate links. So you may be guest blogging on another brother or sister’s site within Kalatu’ and Empower Network and think that your link will lead to your sale when in fact it will lead to the sale of the person who you are guest blogging for. This happened to me when I invited people to be

    This happened to me when I invited people to be a guest blogger for me. All the links in their articles or posts ended up going to my sign-up pages by mistake, so I had to delete all their guest blog posts. It was a big mess.  


    Just FYI. This may have changed by the time you read this article.

    Your links are fine if the person inviting you to guest blog:

    1) agrees to allow a specified number of links to your offer or page
    2) Is not part of the same system as you are
    3) Is done in good taste. The idea in guest blogging is not to spam your link, but to be seen as an authority that people want to check out and possibly join.



If you want people to read your content, get great value from it and then want to learn more about how they can blog from the same system you are using, we have the perfect system for you, or at least I found it and I like it. Check it out below. See if you like it.
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